What Do You Need First?

What Do You Need First?

While I often talk with my clients about intentional design and how they can use it to support moving towards their life goals, there is a more important question to ask oneself first. Are you currently in a place of expansion or healing? It’s not that healing always happens before expansion or that one must complete all healing before moving into expansion, but it has much more to do with nurturing oneself. Having compassion for yourself as a sentient being, not as a machine that is here to output some achievement. Only you will know what you truly need in the moment but before sprinting down a path towards a goal, I believe what matters more is to ask yourself “what do I need in this moment?”

When you ask yourself “what do I need in this moment?” and truly pause to listen with openness as a loving parent would listen to a child, you can hear the truth. The truth might be that it’s time to challenge yourself and step up in a new way. The truth might be to indulge your creative side. The truth might be to enter therapy or reach out to a friend. The truth might be to get your finances in order. The truth might be to forgive someone or something from the past. The truth might be to drink a glass of water and go to sleep. The truth will likely not be sexy, but it will be your truth and it will serve you more than any other outside influence or your ego’s agenda. Your truth is always here to serve you.

So, when a client comes to me wanting to design a space where they can 10x their career, I am mindful about having a conversation to discern what their whole self needs most in this moment. It could be that now is truly the time for record setting expansion, but it also could be that now is the time for healing or for integration. Wherever my client is headed, it matters to me that they are nurturing and taking with them their whole self. Our power lies in loving and listening to our whole self. There is truth available within every emotion we have. All of our emotions are here to bring us into our wholeness and power. It might seem scary to slow down but your speed and strength will be so much more available to you when you take the pause to nurture what is true for you right now. You and the rest of the world will benefit greatly from you taking this action for yourself.

Knowing what you need is usually a day-to-day question with a day-to-day answer. You can use your space to both support yourself when you ask this question and to support yourself as you enact the answer. More than achieving some goal, it matters that you ask, that you listen, and that you respond to the answer within you. This life is about you loving you and in time, the actions that you take from this loving space will have much more of a profound imprint on the world than what you could have achieved severed from your wholeness. There is nothing we need to do perfectly. It just matters that you are listening to and loving yourself as best as you can. This is always an inside job. Love yourself and you will free up space for others to love themselves as well.

If your goals are in your highest good, they will not leave you. Your ability to achieve them will not be lost if you pause to nurture yourself. Rather, the honoring of yourself is what will truly launch you forward. So, pause to ask yourself: “what do I need in this moment?” and then nurture yourself as best as you can. In time, you will become a messenger for the greatest truth there is: love. And you can bring forth this message through whatever modality you choose. Harness the strength of love through loving yourself and you will become an unstoppable bright light in this world. Shine on, baby! You are so worth it.


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